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P0 Box 349 The Entrance 2261


Attention  Precinct Members from Vivienne Scott, Chair of TEPCP.

1. Council moves to replace Precinct Committees


In 4.10 of the  Minutes of the Council Meeting of 23 Oct;2013,  Council considers Precinct Committees to be redundant as they are considered not representative of the wider community. The motion to consult with Precinct Committees to gradually phase them out was moved by Councillor Nana and supported by Councillor Webster and  voted  for by the “band”of 4 including the Mayor, Councillor Eaton,.


“410 Community Precinct Forum Framework

Council resolved to undertake community consultation on a proposal which would see the current Community Precinct Committee structured replaced with a Community Precinct Forum Framework from March 2014, noting that the purpose of the change is to encourage broader community participation and an enhanced and more sustainable approach.


The change follows on from a range of Council initiatives to improve community engagement since 2011 - including introducing a Resident ePanel, online Consultation Hub and the employment of a full time engagement co-ordinator – and is supported by a recent review of the current structure which identified the need to create more opportunities for staff and/or councillor interaction with the community.


Feedback from existing precinct committee members and the wider community will be sought from November 2013 until the end of January 2014.”


Mayor Doug Eaton said: “The landscape of community consultation has changed radically since we first set up community precinct committees back in 1995. Back then most people didn’t even have email. This proposal recognises that when it comes to involving our community in decision making we really do have the capacity to do more with less. I’m keen to hear what people think about the proposal but I’m confident that this initiative would expand the number and variety of people who can participate and the quantity and the quality of the interactions they can have with our staff and councillors.”


2. Internal Biased Review -

Unbeknownst to the 11 Precinct Committees including myself,  an internal review was undertaken by selected senior staff and councillors resulting in what I believe and presented to Council at their 23 Oct meeting to be what I believe to be a biased, inaccurate and incomplete review which  provided  predetermined results and conclusion - namely,  that the local  Precinct System should be phased out and replaced by large Community Forums organised and managed by Council – not local volunteers.


Community Forums

Council proposes 4 Community Forums each for Ward A and B. on  Shirewide issues. These will be organised by and will be similar to those we had for the proposed rate variation – we may have to travel to Council Chambers at Wyong to attend these Forums.

Council proposes to  offer existing Precinct Committees assistance to set up local organisations to replace Precinct Committees, but these will not have formal links with Council or receive any funding ( for  rental of venues, photocopying etc) as they currently do. These local organisations will not be receiving regular information regarding new developments within their Precinct, hard copies of Business Papers of
Council Meetings; announcements etc. It is uncertain whether Council staff and Councillors will be available to make presentations .

How can you support our Precinct Committee?


If you have benefitted from your attendance at our Precinct Meetings and believe that Precinct  monthly meetings on local issues to be still important, I strongly urge you to attend one or both of the following meetings in November, 2013 and/ or make your views known to:

Sue Ledingham,

Manager, Customer and Community Relations.
Wyong Shire Council

P.O. Box 20 ,  WYONG NSW 2259
Tel: 02 4350 1652        Fax: 02 4351 2098  E-mail:    


Or Contact Councillor Lynne Webster on Mob: 0414853788   




1. Tuesday 19th November, 2013 - The Entrance Peninsula Community Precinct General Meeting at           7.00 at Room1, The Entrance PeninsulaCommunity Centre; crn Oakland Ave and Battley Ave; The   Entrance
2. Wednesday 20 November, 2013, Council's Community Precinct Forum at 6.00pm-8.00pm –   Wyong Council, ACL (Les Taylor) Function Room, 2 Hely Street,  Wyong( extract from email to

      Sue Ledingham
      Please RSVP Vivienne Scott on 43333989


3. Saturday 7 December, 2013 Combined Christmas Party with North Entrance Progress Assoc.

    The Entrance North Surf Life Saving Club – 12.00pm



Please RSVP to Vivienne Scott by 14th November, 2013  Phone : 43333989

For your attendance at the meetings and/ or Christmas Party

Council Abolishes Precinct Committees Without Consultation